Tuesday 8 November 2011

New Books

A warm congrats to David Ceri Jones and Andrew Atherstone for their edited volume Engaging with Martin Lloyd-Jones: The Life and Legacy of 'the Doctor' (2011). See here for the contents page.

Alister Chapman also deserves a warm congratulations for his new book Godly Ambition: John Stott and the Evangelical Movement.

(Shameless plug) Congrats to myself and George Kalantzis as well for our edited book Evangelicals and the Early Church: Recovery, Reform, Renewal (2012).


"This unusually interesting volume combines bracing historical engagement with rare theological wisdom. Its chapters carefully explore why, how, under what conditions, and how much contemporary evangelicals should try to appropriate guidance from the first Christian centuries. A particularly helpful feature is the paired chapters that promote the best kind of respectful give and take on contested or difficult questions. The book is a gem of edifying insight."
-Mark Noll
Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History, University of Notre Dame

"Here is a collection of essays that invites the reader to wrestle along with the authors over the query why evangelicals have not embraced more fully the early church as part of their theological and ecclesiastical legacy. It is certainly a question of importance. The appropriation of the early church by essentially free-church segments of contemporary Christianity remains at the experimental stage however much momentum it has gained over the last twenty years. Of varying degrees valuable insights are offered in this book with which pastoral and academic leadership needs to grapple for the future of evangelicalism."
-D. H. Williams
Professor of Patristics and Historical Theology, Baylor University

Andy Tooley

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